Tell the interviewer you’ll need an office near the front door so you can leave in a hurry at five o’clock. “I ain’t stickin’ around this fuckin’ place after hours, I’ll tell you that right now.” Let him know what’s happening. Tell him you hope it’s not one of those chicken-shit places where they dock your pay just for taking off Mondays and Fridays. Then, if you still don’t have the job, point to the picture on his desk and say, “Who’s the cunt?” That’ll clinch it. You’ll probably have a nice long career with that firm. Once all your medical procedures have been completed.
Tell the interviewer you’ll need an office near the front door so you can leave in a hurry at five o’clock. “I ain’t stickin’ around this fuckin’ place after hours, I’ll tell you that right now.” Let him know what’s happening. Tell him you hope it’s not one of those chicken-shit places where they dock your pay just for taking off Mondays and Fridays. Then, if you still don’t have the job, point to the picture on his desk and say, “Who’s the cunt?” That’ll clinch it. You’ll probably have a nice long career with that firm. Once all your medical procedures have been completed.