
Even if it's something they believe in, something they think society needs. Like prisons. Everybody wants more prisons, right? Everybody wants more prisons, people say, "BUILD MORE PRISONS! But not here!" But why not? What's wrong? What's the problem? What's wrong with having a prison in your neighborhood? It seems to me like it would make it a pretty crime-free area, don't you think? You think a lot of crackheads and pimps and hookers and thieves are going to be hanging around in front of a fucking prison?! Bullshit, they ain't coming anywhere near it! What's wrong with these people? All the criminals are locked up behind the walls, and if a couple of them do break out what do you think they're going to do, hang around? Check real-estate trends? Bullshit, they're fucking gone! That's the whole idea of breaking out of prison: to get the fuck as far away as you possibly can.